Wednesday 7 January 2015

Sunday 4 January 2015

Resolutions........ Here to stay?

Hello Lads and Lasses 

Thought I would declare my New Years resolutions for this year and also my 3 predications for 2015. I wish to create this to see if I fly, fall or struggle in 2015 in my own opinion of course. 


I have two this year... Probably cliché but hey ho they are aspects in my life that need changing. 

1. Eat healthier and get fitter. 

Now I'm reasonably healthy girl in my proportions of size however in general fitness I would beg to differ. So after I start my new job I will assess my free time and see where I can fit in either gym, running or simple at home exercises. 

2. Drink less (Alcohol)

This is not me by any means saying I drink too much by any means. As I'm not one for sitting in and drinking or going out and drinking either. It's just on the occasion I do go out I need to remember the pain you put yourself through the next day. Hence I am going to try and not drink for as long as I can through 2015, or when I do only limit myself to one drink at dinner a month. I'm doing this to also combine with my other new years resolution of getting healthier. In reflection they do need to run alongside each other to be successful. 

Predictions for 2015

1. Become a fully quailified recruitment consultant
(This is my new job as trainee)

2. Have my YouTube channel up and running 
(British Bubble)

3. Maintain my aim of writing 2 blog posts per week

Suppose I just hope I'm in a happy place by the end of 2015 where I can be proud of my achievements. I hope you guys will be there with be too, even if it's taught ride along the way.

Happy New Year Everyone lets make 2015 AMAZING!! 



Thursday 1 January 2015

Goodbye 2014 ......Hello 2015

2014 has been an amazing year from highs to lows and all the nitty gritty bits in between, it's still been magical. I started this year on a sour note with some awkward and horrible hardships, but by mid year it definitely picked up. I'm hoping that 2015 keeps on climbing alike 2014. 

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!! 

Let me know your new year resolutions, or even simply your opinion of people setting them. Love to hear from you guys. 

Tomorrow I will do a prediction post. Then this time next year lets see where we are and what comes true. 

Much Love 
